2018 – Our Year In Review
by Margie
Blink and you’ve missed it; another year past. Despite the recent hints of a downturn in the construction industry, the NSW South Coast region remains buoyant. In the past year we have seen 124 new jobs activated and 2019 is shaping up as another busy year.
We were delighted to see Wollongong’s ParQ on Flinders turn soil in this year with the first of the 224 units due for occupation in 2020. Further down the coast, in Batemans Bay, the 15 Golf Links Drive residential units near completion. Our Residential Team also specialises in projects providing housing for seniors and has completed the design for Uniting Care’s Independent Living Units (ILU’s), incorporating much needed affordable housing, on the periphery of Nowra’s CBD.
The Education Team have seen the completion of Edmund Rice College’s conversion of its existing Wollongong campus Monastery into a Creative Arts Centre that completes the school’s arts precinct. Elsewhere, work continues on St Joseph’s Catholic High School’s transformation of a 1980’s Technics block into an integrated learning facility for 21st century Construction, TAS and STEM demands.
2018 has been a big year for the growing Edmiston Jones team with Landscape Architect Stuart Scobie joining Amber Schutz in manning our Batemans Bay office; graduate of architecture Emanuele Stefani starting in Nowra; and architecture student Adam Hogan in Wollongong. In other milestones, Amber and Renee McGuinn successfully completed the Architectural Registration Board’s exam achieving our goal of having half the team registered in their respective disciplines.
Edmiston Jones year in review.
We also welcomed Margie Rahmann as an Associate Director at EJ, moving toward another goal of increasing the number of owners. Margie leads our busy Health and Wellbeing Team currently working on a medical practice in Gerringong, projects for the Aboriginal Medical Service further down the coast and specialised fit-outs within Wollongong Hospital.
So, all in all we’ve had a fantastic year. From all of us at the Edmiston Jones we’d like to wish you, your team and families the best for the festive season and look forward to working with you again in 2019.

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