Another busy year for Edmiston Jones is nearly over. The creative energy invested in planning important projects for the Illawarra Shoalhaven has been rewarded by work under construction. Architecture has always been an endeavour with a long-term view and we eagerly look forward to seeing more projects come to fruition in 2020.
ParQ on Flinders continues to become more of a reality for future owners as the concrete superstructure nears completion. A landmark building on a long-neglected Wollongong site is due for completion in the second half of 2020 and will

In the seniors living space the first stage of a significant greenfield site project has commenced. It will eventually provide 100 homes as well as a clubhouse and the first of four stages is due for completion in 2020. The roads and site services infrastructure have been completed and slabs for the homes are now being formed to pour pre-Christmas.
On the education front, we have seen the completion and highly anticipated opening of St Joseph’s Catholic High School’s reinvention of its Technical Applied Science and Construction building. An integrated, 21
st century learning facility to meet the demands of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, it provides increased education options for students attending the Albion Park school.

It’s been a big year for the Edmiston Jones team too. In 2019 we’ve welcomed civil engineer Luca Faidutti in our Wollongong office, architecture student Ben Coulston in Nowra and Junsu Park in Batemans Bay. Sam, Dorelia, Adam and Ben all completed university degrees and are now looking forward to applying the knowledge and skills they have gained - after a well-earned summer break!
In other milestones, congratulations are due to Leo Quinones who successfully completed the Architectural Registration Board’s exam and joins the ranks of qualified architects at Edmiston Jones. We also welcomed Landscape Architect, Stuart Scobie as an associate director, leading our growing Batemans Bay office. So, all in all, a creative and frenetic year with plenty more to come in 2020.

From all of us at Edmiston Jones we’d like to wish you, your team and families the best of festive seasons. We look forward to working with you once again in the new year.