East Nowra Wellbeing Hub Underway
by Margie
We are excited to report that work has commenced on renovations at Nowra East Public School which will see a Wellbeing Hub constructed on the school grounds. The Wellbeing Hub is a place-based initiative that focuses on education and community wellbeing. The Hub will provide a welcoming environment for students and their families to access support and services that will improve Aboriginal child and family wellbeing. Edmiston Jones had a key role developing the design through a pro-bono co-design process.
Edmiston Jones co-design with the service providers.
Nowra East Public School has an enrolment of 380 students and exactly 50% are Aboriginal. The school works closely with the local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group and other community agencies. The wellbeing approach encourages learning through positive behaviour and a commitment to building strong partnerships. The Hub’s goal is to improve the provision of community services and reduce irregular school attendance.
Students of Nowra East Public School have played a huge part in developing their Hub. An artwork competition saw an amazing range of ideas to represent what the Hub means to them. The winning entry for the logo is a painted tree with its roots planted in salt water. Jacob, a student, submitted Bul Wul Murramia as a name for the Hub which means ‘place of strong people’.
The Wellbeing Hub is supported by a Governance Group which comprises community members, school and P&C representatives, NGOs, University of Wollongong and local, state and federal government. This strong cross sector membership enables a strength-based approach which leverages the experience and expertise of members.
The Hub under construction.
Twenty two service providers will work together to meet the emotional, physical, developmental and educational needs of students and their families. Local services include Barnardos, Waminda, Anglicare, Cullunghutti Aboriginal Child and Family Centre, Mission Australia, Noah’s Inclusion Services and the Smith Family amongst others.

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