Edmiston Jones
Moving Forward
by Margie
In these troubled times it is good to have cause for celebration. A significant evolution in Edmiston Jones’ management structure was finalised on the 1st April with two new Directors and two Associates. Zoran Micevski and Margie Rahmann have increased their shareholding to qualify as full Directors and Gabe Reed and Dorelia Glasgow have come on board as Associate Directors. The new owners join Mark, Graham and Stuart and form the leadership team. The result is that each of the six teams across our three offices now have a business owner as the team leader.
For some time, my vision has been to have a substantial proportion of the staff as shareholders. The lightbulb moment came when I purchased the business from Robin Edmiston back in 1986. In the previous years, I had worked hard as an employee, establishing the Nowra office and building a team. However, something clicked when I took up Robin’s offer to buy him out knowing that the ‘buck stopped’ with me. I thought if half the team were empowered as owners, we would move mountains!
The distributed support has allowed me as Executive Director to focus on marketing and the strategic direction of the business. The Executive, Graham, Margie and Dorelia, are giving their attention to operational matters as well as their respective portfolios in finance, digital strategy and human resources. Landscape Architect, Stuart is building the landscape design sector; Zoran administers EJ’s accredited Quality Management System and is in charge of our ever-important technology while Gabe, a Green Star accredited professional, works with Stuart to implement a sustainability strategy. Graham, Margie and Gabe have added responsibilities, heading our core sectors; education, health and residential.
The power of a distributed leadership has stood a weighty test in recent weeks as the firm has adjusted to the pandemic and taken steps to mitigate, as much as possible, the negative impact on the team and the business. The investment in leadership training and clarification of roles and responsibilities has left us in a solid position to take necessary steps and prepare for the inevitably changed environment in the months, if not years, ahead.

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