EJ Carbon Audit
Results Are In!

by Margie
Earlier this year Edmiston Jones became a signatory to Architects Declare Australia, which is a global movement to strengthen working practices to create architecture and urbanism that has a more positive impact on the world around us. As part of our Sustainability Strategy, EJ engaged ClimateClever to conduct a Carbon Footprint Report of our offices in Wollongong, Nowra and Batemans Bay. This line in the sand is the base carbon data that we will use to focus our initial climate action on. We’re aiming to be carbon neutral as soon as possible. The carbon audit itself was a very interesting process. Energy, waste, water and transport data was gathered by our offices, and a few holes in our record-keeping were discovered for future inclusion. So what were the findings of our carbon audit? Well, for 2019, EJ’s Total Footprint was 77.28 tonnes of CO2 emissions. That’s 2.76 tonnes per EJ team-member. Electricity usage was the largest contributor to our carbon footprint, followed by fleet vehicle usage.  Flights for our retreat to Christchurch NZ were a significant 17%.   These proportions of the carbon emissions pie are comparable to the Wollongong, Shoalhaven and Eurobodalla municipal emissions which show minor variations on energy 68%, transport 29% and waste 2%. As a local business, the areas we need to target for improvement are not unique! What’s next?
  • Engaging all of the EJ team to accurately measure and reduce energy and vehicle usage in particular, but also waste and water usage, at the office and at home
  • Changing our electricity sources to renewables, preferably onsite
  • Offsetting any remaining CO2 emissions
We are extremely excited and will be sharing the progress of our journey to becoming a carbon neutral practice.
EJ Carbon Audit<br>Results Are In!