Green Building Day 2020
by Margie
The Green Building Day is a highlight for the sustainability community and, as a Green Star Accredited Professional, it is my chance to hear from leaders in the industry, share knowledge and connect. This year, due to Covid-19 restrictions, the event was held online. It was the industry’s chance to reflect on current disruptions and, crucially, to look longer term at how Green Star is evolving to meet the challenges of the next decade.
Two new sustainability rating tools underpin an exciting focus for Green Star’s future. Green Star for New Buildings is to be released with a drive towards net zero carbon and carbon positive buildings. Devan Valenti, Manager - Future Focus at Green Building Council of Australia, presented seven industry megatrends that the Green Star for New Buildings tool will consider. The second tool is Green Star for Homes, which is a simple standard to define what a great house should be. The ratings go beyond the traditional definition of green buildings to deliver a new vision for what buildings can be: healthy, resilient, and positive places for people and nature, built responsibly and showcasing leadership.
The buzz word at the event was resilience, which has become an over-used media catch phrase in response to events that have unfolded over the past six months. Judy Slatyer of the Australian Business Round Table, and Red Cross CEO, noted that one in three Australians will experience a natural disaster in our lifetime. She spoke about the need for resilient communities to cater for the increasing frequency of catastrophic events and the important contribution that can be made by Green Star Accredited Professionals.
Edmiston Jones' goal is to inspire and enhance lives with extraordinary built environments and we have the caveat that they are to be sustainable and sensible. Our Sustainability Strategy makes sure we are walking the talk. I would love to share a copy with you. Send me an email at

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