Home of the Future
by Margie
In a recent blog (https://aej.com.au/blog/?p=578), I discussed designing houses for a sharing economy based on a philosophy of collaborative consumption. ‘Walking the talk’, Edmiston Jones combined forces with Pidcock Architects to submit an entry in ‘The Home of the Future’ competition.
We took up this challenge focusing on energy efficiency as well as affordability through industrialised off-site construction. The Pidcock Edmiston Jones House is a multi-level home with the ground floor constructed of concrete and brickwork. The design proposes that the en-suite, bathroom and laundry be constructed off site as pre-finished pods.
A totally prefabricated second floor creates the 2nd and 3rd bedrooms with a shared living area. The homes we design today must meet the needs of the future; being both financially and environmentally resourceful; and highly adaptable as families grow and change. All this while at the same time being a daily inspiration.
This imaginative concept is;
Innovative - The design integrates the best of local building technologies together with an appropriate offsite industrialised approach to the more expensive and time consuming sections of a building.
Functional - An accessible ground floor layout and an upper floor that can be used as additional family space or a separate dwelling delivers a flexible home that will work well for a range of family and other situations.
Sustainable - The thermal mass and durability of brick combined with the lightweight, highly insulated and sustainable prefab elements mean the home will be able to deliver optimal thermal performance and natural comfort.
Attainable - The combination of typical concrete slab and brickwork construction for the ground floor with a prefabricated upper floor minimizes the requirement for scaffolding so that the house is cost effective. The wet area 'pods' are built to factory quality control.
This home has great potential as it delivers a design approach that can be reproduced in a variety of ways for different sites and climates. The competition result will be announced at the end of September. Our fingers and toes are crossed!

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