Innovative Student Learning Changing School Environments
by Margie
Planning for the next instalment in Edmiston Jones’ 2019 series of architectural talks is well under way. Following on from last month’s thought-provoking discussion on Human Centred Design in an ageing world, the May event will focus on education. The common thread will be human centred design as we consider the impact innovation is having on the learning environment.
We are fortunate to have Louise O’Donnell, a digital business innovation and transformation expert, lead the discussion on the evening. An innovator, who uses human centred design thinking to deliver transformational change in the development of strategy and ways of working, has focused her work on the worlds of media and education. Louise has extensive industry experience creating game changing strategies for organisations such as the ABC, Ten and Google. Most recently, Louise led the establishment of the NSW Department of Education’s Catalyst Innovation Lab and she will share her experience with us as we consider the current dynamic influences on education.
Louise will be joined by Peter McGovern, Principal of Edmund Rice College. During his distinguished career he has ridden the wave of numerous changes in education. At the coalface, Peter has overseen the transformation of several school campuses as they evolve to meet the demands of changing teaching methods and the impact of technology. Throughout the shifting school environment, he has maintained a paramount concern to inspire his students and enhance the outcome of their learning experience.
The evening will present an opportunity to take stock and consider that whatever the changes brought about by innovation, whether they be pedagogical or technological, the focus remains on those that benefit from education, the young people representing our future.
Our Human Centred Design in Education event will be held on the 16th of May at 4.30pm in our Wollongong office.
Click here to register.
I look forward to seeing you there.

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