Moving on
in 2021
by Margie
I’m probably still at liberty to wish everyone a Happy New Year as I squeeze our first blog for 2021 into the tail end of January. The Edmiston Jones’ offices reopened last week and, after an extended break, the team are refreshed and ready for the year ahead. I trust that you and your families also found the Christmas season restful and restorative.
The weekend before the team returned, the dedicated Directors and Associates met ‘off-site’ to review our strategic direction and set priorities for the year ahead. Maintaining a steady hand in uncertain times, much will be the same as we build on decades of experience in our three key sectors: housing, health and education led by Gabe, Margie and Graham respectively. Zoran is activating long standing area of interest for EJ, industrial development. This sector has growing relevance in the evolving global environment as Australia places greater emphasis on manufacturing on shore.
The world is complex and, as we have seen in the last year, incredibly connected. The architectural profession has not been immune from exponential change and in my career I’ve moved from cedar drawing boards to digital tablets. There is an increasing need for focused knowledge and Edmiston Jones have built up in-house, core skills to inform our designs from early concepts through to construction. Sustainability, accessibility, heritage and project management are just some of the specialisations we bring to our projects.
Regionalism continues to define our practice as our contribution to the built and landscape environments extends further into NSW. I started writing this blog in Bombala, just an hour down the road from my hometown, Cooma. We have the privilege of designing fifteen independent living units in Bombala which will provide housing for ageing residents close to the centre of town enabling them to stay within, and contribute to, their community. Another step in fulfilling our vision of a place for every person.

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