Muddy Puddles Underway
by Margie
Edmiston Jones is proud of our expertise in three sectors; purpose built housing, spaces that support health and wellbeing as well as facilities for education and research. The opportunity to design a Therapy and Education Centre for a not-for-profit organisation allowed the EJ team to cross fertilise our experience from two of these sectors. Muddy Puddles offers therapy and education programs for young people with a disability, their families and the community.
A Council owned park adjacent to an existing day care centre was identified as the site however it was constrained by minimum floor levels to reduce the impact of flooding. The design needed to resolve complex requirements for accessibility as the users are challenged with a range of physical or behavioural disabilities. The higher floor level added to the challenge of providing an accessible path from the street and car park to the entry of the building.
The building includes consulting rooms, program rooms, administration areas, learning spaces, a hang-out/meeting room as well as a kitchen and amenities. Consulting rooms can be accessed discretely from other parts of the building to consider clients who require reduced stimulation while a central corridor provides a means of orientation throughout the building that is legible and easily navigated.
The building had the added requirement of being flexible to allow Muddy Puddles to grow in time. The program rooms, designed to be operated separately or as one larger space, allow for use as gyms for sensory stimulation or, alternatively, as spaces for calming. There are discrete windows into the program rooms so that parents can be involved in the therapy by observing their children.
Elevation and work in progress
We are pleased to say that construction is now underway and, with wall frames erected, the building is starting to take shape. The project has been very rewarding as we have been able to use our skills to assist a worthy organisation with a goal to promote development, awareness and inclusion.
Last chance to get your tickets to our next co-design event being held this Thursday at 4:00pm – 6:00pm.

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