Our 2015 in Review
by Margie
It has been a significant year for Edmiston Jones!
Our team has increased by 25% adding Agusti with international experience as well as administrative and technical support in Meagan and Sam. While the new team members add to our physical resource it is the growth in experience that has been really impressive! Renee has tackled complex aged care retrofits; Margie has capably managed a complex project under construction; Gabe has had a meteoric rise capably designing and coordinating significant residential developments. Dorelia and Lesley support Steve, Zoran and Gabe in the executive role providing the backbone to the organisation. Leo, Amber, Emilia and Sally dovetail their respective skills adding to a diverse and enthusiastic team.
The value of our projects has almost trebled and with a total construction value well over $200 million, Edmiston Jones makes a major contribution to the local economy. The firm has designed more than 500 residential units in the past year. This accommodates a population close to a 1000 people – the size of a small country town. Edmiston Jones 30 year grounding in residential design continues to inform our projects, which range from individual houses to mixed use developments and senior living villages.
While exceptional design and sound documentation are foundational skills, it is our ability to collaborate that sets us apart. This blog, together with our seasonal newsletters, are a forum to capture and exchange ideas so that we are facilitating discussion about design and community. The 100% success rate with development applications is as much a result of our ability to communicate clearly with clients and authorities as it is testimony to our design skills.
The great result for the year is directly due to the efforts of the dedicated team, which in turn is fuelled by coffee! The 24 kilograms we used (and that is just the Wollongong office!) represents about 2000 cups.

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