Places for all Ages
by Margie
The potential for a positive, enduring connection between young folk and older generations is intrinsic to most cultures - a universal truth that is understood with a knowing nod. Most of us will have fond memories of a special relationship with a favourite grandparent. For those of us that have reached that golden age, we relish the times we have with our children's children.
Seniors in our community engaging with the energy of youth creates a sense of well-being that cannot be denied. My father, frail as he is relying on a walking frame, thoroughly enjoys the incidental interaction with young skateboarders as they share the footpaths around Kiama. How much better would it be if age friendly seating was provided within eyeshot of the skate park where the young might also benefit from a passing chat with someone who has time, and wisdom, on their hands.
As architects and place makers, Edmiston Jones has a special interest in the design of public space that encourages interaction between all ages. Our Danish friends at arki_lab have made the design of intergenerational urban space an area of enquiry and research. Edmiston Jones' exploration of Australia's indigenous culture, and how it informs our understanding of place, invites a question about the role of elders in community.
We will be interrogating this topic at an event in our Wollongong Studio at 4pm on Thursday the 10th August. Our collaborators, Rasmus Frisk and Thomas Aarup Due from arki_lab, will team up with indigenous elder, Uncle Max Dulumunmun Harrison, to lead a discussion about;
• Bridging the divide of age and culture.
• Designing urban spaces to meet the needs and aspirations of people of all ages.
• Understanding site and “country” in place making.
We hope you can join us. Please confirm your attendance at Eventbrite.

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