Pop-up Container Bar

by Margie
Edmiston Jones worked successfully with their entrepreneurial Gen Y clients, trading as Sifters, to obtain Development Consent for an open-air bar serviced by a fully commercial kitchen and amenities built within shipping containers. The ‘high bay’ containers are 2.9m high and have been repurposed complete with modified access doors and operable awnings providing ventilation and cover to the service counters. The gleaming white modified containers are now onsite at Market Street in Wollongong CBD. Designing the pop-up bar to sit comfortably in the evolving urban context has been a major consideration for the architectural team at Edmiston Jones. Careful acoustic assessment and the provision of appropriate screening ensure that the growing number of inner city residents will not be adversely impacted by the new bar. This addition to Wollongong’s emerging bar culture will provide a complementary ‘watering hole’ both in terms of its location in the city and as a relaxed open air venue Retrofitting the shipping containers resonates with Edmiston Jones commitment to sustainability through recycling and innovation. The Sifters group are at one with this ethos creating the outdoor furniture and landscaping with recycled and found materials. The kitchen equipment and fixtures have been sourced from factory seconds and eBay.   [gallery link="file" ids="1002,1003,1004,1005,1006,1007,1008,1009,1010,1011,1012,1017"]
Pop-up Container Bar