The Retreat
by Margie
Our retreat has become a much anticipated annual milestone for the firm. In recent years we have alternated a trip interstate with a venue closer to home. Having explored the Gold Coast, Melbourne and Hobart in the past, we ventured further afield and visited Adelaide.
This year made use of the time to reflect and consider the future direction of the firm as well as how we evolve professionally and personally as individuals in this context. Having a work environment where we can be ourselves, and be sufficiently confident to challenge each other to be our best, is a rare privilege. It can easily be taken for granted when, for many of us our entire careers have been at Edmiston Jones.
[caption id="attachment_1622" align="alignnone" width="600"]
Visiting the SAHMRI building[/caption]
We recognise that there is always something to learn from others and took the opportunity to meet with some fellow architects in Adelaide. Russell Yelland is a firm of the same size working on similar types of projects and they overwhelmed us with their hospitality. There was vigorous discussion as directors and staff from each office chatted with their opposite numbers.
Mulloway Architects’ Anthony Coupe impressed us with his community focus and the practice’s goal to develop places that respond to the environment and historical context. The design approach resonates with Edmiston Jones’ vision that looks beyond a building in isolation and takes the perspective of the broader built environment. Anthony’s talk was a reminder that history is an important characteristic of every site that we need to consider as we design.
The bar has been raised and I am really looking forward to what our retreat might bring next year! Following our pattern, it will be closer to home where we can engage with clients and visit completed projects so that the entire team sees the result of their efforts.
[caption id="attachment_1627" align="alignnone" width="600"]
Meeting Russell Yelland Architects[/caption]

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