We’ve Got The Tick!

by Margie
Actually, it’s three ticks. This week, Edmiston Jones received certification for our Quality Management System under ISO 9001:2015. Achieving third party international recognition for the systems and processes we have in place has been a long-standing ambition. It is a credit to the entire EJ team that we have reached this milestone. Our Auditor, Simo Jaatinen, commented, “A very good result for an initial audit – you have a great company culture!” Company culture in practice. The organisational structure, standards, procedures and checklists that we have in place have evolved over many years as the organisation has grown. While greater discipline has been required as staff numbers increased, the real delight was that the audit did not require any significant new processes to achieve certification. It was really a matter of consolidating the systems we have in place in an order that was recognised by the International Standards Organisation. While chuffed at the achievement, I’m very wary of ticks! ‘Ticking the box’ has become a derogatory expression which implies adhering to a process without thought or conviction - just another layer of bureaucracy in a world overwhelmed with red tape. The English Dictionary defines ‘box ticking’ as, “the fact of doing something just because there is a rule that says that you must do it”. With that caution, we will continue to evolve the way we do things ever mindful of why we do what we do. That is to fulfil our commitment to inspiring and enhancing lives through extraordinary built environments.
We’ve Got The Tick!