by Margie
Late last year Steven posted a blog letting you know that GOLD, a luxury apartment development in Batemans Bay designed by Edmiston Jones, had started construction. You will see from the images that the building work is well underway and is looking very much like our artistic impressions!
All concrete floors have been poured and the contractors are enjoying the spectacular views over the Clyde River from the upper levels. Windows and most of the wall framing is in place on the lower levels, as well as brick cladding enclosing the shafts for the lifts and stairs. The roof framing is in place giving an indication of the overall scale of the building which, at five levels, breaks new ground in the area. The articulation of the façade and careful selection of external materials ensures that the building is impressive - but not imposing.
A downside of purchasing an apartment is that, generally, there is no flexibility in the floor layout due to the location of structure and services. This has been overcome at Gold. All the internal walls are non-loadbearing so that spaces can be modified or adapted by future residents. The concrete Ultrafloor floor system spans up to 9.5m. This has the added benefit of fewer columns in the basement carpark which avoids challenging vehicle manoeuvring. Another bugbear of poorly designed apartment buildings!
The concrete tilt-up panels used for most of the vertical structural elements have increased the speed of the construction which is programmed to be completed in one year - an audacious timeframe for a 15 unit development. The collaborative approach by South Building Co and Edmiston Jones is keeping the works on track, aiming for completion of the building before the end of 2018.
Check out for more information and to see the unit designs.

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