Illawarra Flame House Update
by Margie
Approaching the 3rd anniversary of our Solar Decathlon win, it is time for an update on how the Illawarra Flame House is traveling. To jog your memory, Edmiston Jones partnered with the University of Wollongong’s Sustainable Buildings Research Centre (SBRC) in the design of a zero energy house. The Illawarra Flame, went on to win an international competition, The Solar Decathlon. See our previous blogs The Illawarra Flame Comes Home and Gold Medal At The Solar Decathlon.
You may recall that the house was initially built at Wollongong TAFE and rebuilt at the UOW Innovation Campus as a trial run prior to the competition. It was then a challenging exercise in logistics to ship the building to China in nine containers; rebuild it in ten days; withstand 30,000 visitors; then survive (and win!) the rigours of the ten competitions.
The Edmiston Jones team have not let up on boasting about mentoring a bunch of engineering and communication students to winning the competition for architecture pitched against architecture schools from universities around the world. The jury’s citation, ‘this is architecture that celebrates human life – not itself’, continues to be a badge of honour we wear proudly.
[caption id="attachment_2187" align="aligncenter" width="1280"]
Dining room and thermal wall (photo Dee Kramer)[/caption]
With its permanent home at the UOW Innovation Campus, Robyn Dawson, SBRC Administration Officer, reports that, “In the time that the house has been on site it has been utilised for many research projects, monitored and modelled in a variety of ways, and it has been the body of work for numerous PhD and Masters candidates.
Going forward, the house will continue to be a primary research facility of the SBRC and now enters the Living Laboratory phase. In April this year the house will be tenanted by a guest for the very first time with the house subsequently becoming available for other short term tenancies.”
[caption id="attachment_2186" align="aligncenter" width="1280"]
Lounge room and up cycled furniture (photo Dee Kramer)[/caption]
The Illawarra Flame House is available for bookings or an overnight stay. If you are interested make an application with UOW Accommodation Services at Campus East. Robyn is happy to answer any questions (4239 2198).

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