Re-thinking Dementia Care
by Margie
Dementia is currently the second highest cause of death in Australia - and this is increasing rapidly. In 2016, over 400 thousand people in Australia have Dementia and this is expected to double in the next 20 years.
- In 2016, 2% of all 60-64 year olds in Australia suffered from Dementia1.
- In 2036, 25% of all 60-64-year-old Australians are expected to suffer from Dementia.
- Ideally, all residential aged care should be designed to cater for Dementia patients.
- Dementia facilities need to accommodate sufferers in their psychological reality.
- Dementia care is everyone’s responsibility and should be integrated into the community. (Refer to our blog arguing for integration of aged care rather than isolated villages)
- Person-centred care is critical and needs to focus more on the person rather than the Dementia.
1 The National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling NATSEM (2016) Economic Cost of Dementia in Australia 2016-2056
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