Industrial architecture is the design and construction of buildings serving industry. Industries in their many forms are an indispensable part of the modern-day economy and industrial architecture must contend with complex requirements to provide efficient layouts that address the safe and efficient movement of people and goods.
The diminishing availability, and therefore cost, of industrial land on the coastal strip between the escarpment and the sea requires careful planning of site layouts that optimise the use of the available land area. This starts with a detailed understanding of the functional requirements of a facility so that workflow is thoroughly considered in conjunction with offices, amenities, and other supporting infrastructure.
While we do not pretend to have intimate knowledge of the many and varied operations that comprise industrial sector, we are very good at asking the right questions. The industrial team at Edmiston Jones has extensive background in the design of the built environment backed by an understanding of human movement and ergonomics to design for safety and efficiency, all considered in the context of planning and statutory controls.
Vehicle movement has a significant impact on site utilisation for most large commercial and industrial operations. The inefficient design of parking areas, heavy vehicle loading and offloading docks, waste management and general servicing will not only squander valuable land but have an ongoing cost in time and productivity.
We have a fully accredited Quality Management System conforming to AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015, our Occupational Health and Safety (ISO 14001:2015), and Environment Management Systems (ISO 45001:2018) are also accredited.

Illawarra residents will be familiar with the swathe of green on the western side of Five Islands Road and north of Wattle Street. The use of a large parcel of under-utilised BlueScope land in Port Kembla was gifted to the Flagstaff Group in late 2018. Their vision was to create a Community Campus on this oasis in the thick of the sheds and structures that comprise the steelworks. It will be a hub for a wide variety groups to make use of under-utilised existing buildings and the open space to include training areas, events and outdoor activities.