The GaP

George Evans Road, Mundamia NSW

MIND the GaP is a development that seeks to bring together training, education and services for mental health research and treatment. The University of Wollongong in collaboration with Shoalhaven City Council were successful in procuring federal government funding to see this multi service facility come to fruition. Edmiston Jones brought together the team of psychologists, social workers, doctors and researchers to create a space that will service the regional local community.


Project Details


Mind The Gap


Mental Health Research & Treatment Facility

Floor Area

771 sq. m

Site Location

George Evans Road, Mundamia NSW

The Requirements

The building was designed to fit within the existing University campus and is used for both teaching research and service delivery, ensuring that preconceptions of the individuals using the space is blurred. Once inside the building it was important to offer openness yet a sense of security for both staff and visitors.

Large glass openings on the northern side including highlight windows flood the double height spaces with daylight. Small seating areas with lowered ceilings offer a sense of security and privacy to facilitate small group meetings, study areas for students and visiting academics, as well as waiting spaces for families and individuals.

Views to the outside, ground the building in the Australian bush.

The Solution / Outcome

The treatment and research spaces have been pushed to the edges of the building to ensure external views are shared by everyone, while the central circulation spine is wide enough to encourage spontaneous meeting between academics, doctors and students to inspire a sharing of knowledge in practice.

The building, while pragmatic and sensible in its design, houses important and ground-breaking research and practice in mental health. Not only is the facility revolutionary for Nowra and the Shoalhaven but as a catalyst for pioneering research and treatment of mental health in NSW and greater regional Australia.